Grok vs Chat GPT and Google

Soup Recipes, Citations and the Racist Word Conundrum Revisited

Celtic Chameleon
9 min readJan 31, 2024
created in midjourney by author

“Both are ghastly and evoke a certain accidental, tartan-coated biscuit-tin bathos, particularly favoured by drunken uncles of my youth.”

Grok and ChatGPT are both AI chatbots that use LLM (large language model) technology to train the AIs by feeding them huge amounts of information available from all across the internet.

Chat GPT is free. And sometimes you get what you pay for.

And as both have access to huge amounts of online information, I have to conclude that the different responses are down to deliberate programming choices.

Can you Grok It?

I admit to a little personal bias, going in.

On a simple marketing level, the name ChatGPT doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. But my memories of discovering Heinlein as a teenager are still sharp, even if The Door into Summers past remains firmly closed.

