Removed As a Writer From The AE

An Experience I Hope Never to Repeat

Celtic Chameleon
9 min readJun 18, 2022
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Dear Ex AE Writer,

I’m not a fan of the Open Letter trope, or I’d have employed it on this occasion.

Another thing I’m not fond of is drama llama ding dong performances. Sometimes I will give a troll a serve — at most two. And I do enjoy handing out trophies to the newbie trolls who occasionally grace my comment sections.

But I never venture into extended wars of words. If I dislike you or your comment, and/or think your comment is inappropriate, I hide it, ignore it or I block you.

Removing oxygen from your petulant, grubby little fire is the way to go.

You’d have been blocked long ago if you weren’t one of the AE writers.

Bully for You

I’ve been made aware a few times of some on this site trying to sledge me. I do find it amusing and a little confusing that I’m so incredibly fascinating to people whose names I don’t even remember.

