The Authentic Eclectic

Rumour-Mongers Are Dangerous

Three Important Lessons You Need To Learn

Celtic Chameleon
8 min readSep 13, 2021


Man whispering to woman, woman has her ear cupped, Garrulous Glaswegian Medium
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Long ago, I was trolled by a lunatic on Twitter.

This was a previous account with about 6000+ followers. I was going through a rough patch mental health wise, so I interacted a lot with my fellow nutters and followed many genuinely funny, clever but often quite disturbed individuals.

For the most part, it was really entertaining. And then it wasn’t.

Fortunately, I’d already made significant strides with the aid of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, when I saw a shrink for PTSD. Thanks to CBT, by the time the Bedlamite turned her gaze Alisonward, I had already internalised a very valuable lesson about people who gossip about you.

The lesson — put simply — is So What?

So what if they’re gossiping? Can they hurt me? Can they get me sacked, harm my relationship, harm my kids or otherwise materially harm me?

The answer is almost always no (unless you’re a victim of the Cult of Cancelites).

